Green Lizard's Blog

The planet is our home; we need to be more responsible. Here's what I do.

The World’s gone mad

Not one

Not two

But three!

In my hotel room?

Can you guess?




Nope (I wrote about that one before!)





Okay, give up?


Three telephones. 


There’s one in the bathroom! And two in the sleeping room. They are literally two and a half metres apart!

What possesses people to want to put three phones in a hotel room? This hotel has at least five floors. My room at the end of the corridor is 93. There are one or two more rooms so let’s say five hundred rooms fifteen hundred phones! 

In one hotel. 


Then in this road there are a dozen more similar hotels. 

This hotel is part of an international chain….. Do I need to go on? 

Just like so many other greenwash establishment there’s a notice in the bathroom. It says ‘we do not inherit the earth from our forefathers we borrow it from our children!’

How can they do that with any barefaced honesty? 


5 comments on “The World’s gone mad

  1. Ellen Hawley
    May 15, 2015

    I once stayed in a hotel that had three sheets on the bed. I wasn’t paying for it, my publisher was, but it looked overpriced and I figured the third sheet was to justify the price.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lindaswildlifegarden
    May 15, 2015

    i would of thought the bathroom one would be dangerous with steam and water together

    Liked by 2 people

  3. suchled
    May 16, 2015

    So the phones are there so you can make a lot of calls and they can charge you more. The greenwash notice is to save the power bill that they can’t charge you extra for. Its plain old economics – nothing at all to do with environmentalism. Say who they are.

    Liked by 2 people

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