Green Lizard's Blog

The planet is our home; we need to be more responsible. Here's what I do.


Grow your own, make your own, save your own, do your own, all these things and more add up to an attempt to treat the planet well and learn more about it.

The range is broad from turtles to bees, vegetables to soap, green to blue. Hopefully the journey involves plenty of new things including friends and knowledge.

Living in The Netherlands gives this life journey another perspective too. It’s been seventeen years and counting!
If you’d like to find out more about our projects and history check out setting the scene

Here’s a list of posts in categories if you’d like to find something specific.

I originally started a blog in 2012 on a different provider and this is what I wrote:

Location Netherlands
Introduction When Bio gas man decided to suggest that growing ‘something useful’ would be more inspiring than cutting the hedge, our allotment idea was born. We have been fairly conscientious ‘pale green’ people for a long time and this was our biggest step into more considerate living.

107 comments on “About

  1. Grower
    February 12, 2014

    Thank you for visiting my humble little blog. It looks like you’ve embarked on an interesting lifestyle. I’ve enjoyed reading several of your posts so far and look forward to what you share in the future. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      February 12, 2014

      I’m really enjoying reading other blogs and sharing experiences. Thank you 😃


  2. litadoolan
    February 13, 2014

    I am so pleased I can offer you the Liebster award to support your brilliant website! I hope you enjoy this historic prize

    Good regards!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. disappearingwoman
    February 14, 2014

    Hi there! I’m giving you the Liebster Award to help draw more traffic to your blog. I hope you’ll like it! If you’re too busy to participate, I totally understand, but I just want you to know that I really enjoy your blog and want it to grow! 

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      February 14, 2014

      Hi there, I’m flattered but I got it yesterday at the same time you did from Lita 😃 thanks for enjoying my blog. Have a good weekend.


      • disappearingwoman
        February 14, 2014

        No problem! 🙂


      • lizard100
        February 14, 2014

        I did almost nominate you till I saw you in the list! 😃


      • disappearingwoman
        February 14, 2014

        I guess I’m beginning to get forgetful, because I saw you on the list and then later nominated you anyway! 🙂


      • lizard100
        February 14, 2014

        Brilliant! It was quite hard to find people. They were either already listed or obviously very well established. It’s all good fun eh?


      • disappearingwoman
        February 14, 2014

        It really is! 🙂


  4. disappearingwoman
    February 14, 2014

    Oh goodness, I just noticed that Lita gave it to you, too! You’ve been doubly blessed! 🙂 Feel free to choose either set of questions to do. Have a great day!


  5. Dr. Rex
    February 15, 2014

    Hi there!! TY for the follow. I hope you enjoy my musings and my information.
    Peace ….


  6. Preeti
    February 18, 2014

    Beautiful blog! The nominations above are well deserved. Looking fwd to more from you…
    BTW thanks for dropping by at my place in this blogosphere and deciding to keep tabs on my ‘experiments’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      February 18, 2014

      Thanks Preeti. I’m really enjoying reading yours too.


  7. Brigid Jackson
    March 13, 2014

    thank you for the follow. I look forward to getting to know you 🙂 *Brigid


  8. cheergerm
    March 16, 2014

    Hello green lizard, I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award, head over to pick it up if you would like. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jenni
    March 17, 2014

    Thank you for the follow so I’d thought I’d ‘follow’ you back here and take a gander. Great idea you have here looking forward to receiving your posts. Nice to meet you. Jenni.


    • lizard100
      March 17, 2014

      Thanks very much. The whole blog thing is so great for sharing!


  10. Vohn
    March 18, 2014

    Love your blog – nice philosophy for life! Thank you for following my blog Vohn’s Vittles. You are most welcome!


    food blog Vohn’s Vittles at
    tweet @vohnmcg

    Liked by 1 person

  11. naptimethoughts
    March 20, 2014

    Hi! I nominated your blog for a Liebster award. Come pick it up, it’s at my page.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      March 20, 2014

      I really appreciate this award. I have already had the Liebster. Am I allowed to accept it twice?


  12. naptimethoughts
    March 20, 2014

    certainly. It’s good blog fodder.


  13. Jenni
    March 21, 2014

    I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award, if you are interested just follow the link and it will explain the steps if you want to participate.

    Thank you for taking the time to visit Unload and Unwind and I hope to see more of you. This award is more about getting exposure for your blog and increasing readers if that is of interest to you. Jenni

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      March 22, 2014

      Thanks very much Jenni. I’m away just now but will get to this next week!


      • Jenni
        March 22, 2014

        Excellent look forward to hearing from you then. Jen


  14. amandalyle1986
    March 23, 2014

    Hey! Thank you so much for visiting my blog & following me. I really appreciate it.I think what you’re doing is great – if only more people thought this way, perhaps our world would be much greener! Keep it up and I look forward to future posts 🙂


    • lizard100
      March 25, 2014

      Thank you. It’s an interesting thing blogging!


  15. andy1076
    April 3, 2014

    Hi! thank you for following my blog ^^


  16. Uncle Spike
    April 6, 2014

    Hello newest Spikey! I know, a bit corny, eh, but that’s the term that has come to stick for those folk who are part of the clan known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    Thank you… I really appreciate that as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.

    My aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations on life as I see it, thrown in for good measure.

    My promise to you is not to be overbearing, just a couple of posts a day, maybe 3 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      April 6, 2014

      That’s such a lovely welcome. A couple of posts a day eh? That’s impressive. Mind I try hard not to overdo it sometimes as I get carried away!


      • Uncle Spike
        April 6, 2014

        Usually 2 yes, with 3-4 at weekends. Many I write a week in advance as/when time permits. Keeps me out of mischief 🙂


      • lizard100
        April 6, 2014

        I love scheduling mine too. But then I throw in a couple spontaneously.


      • Uncle Spike
        April 6, 2014

        I’m about 50/50


      • lizard100
        April 6, 2014

        Sorry just checked location. There’s no link for your comments in the app for some reason. Turkey eh?


      • Uncle Spike
        April 6, 2014

        Dunno… use a normal pc, no ‘apps’ in sight. I used to be a mainframe programmer, so even a laptop confuses the hell outta me 🙂


      • lizard100
        April 6, 2014

        Most other comments have the bloggers site address. Yours is one that doesn’t. Mind you I’m not sure where the setting would be. Maybe under ‘public’ I teach ict to seven year olds but can’t find it. I really liked your about page. Great mix.


      • Uncle Spike
        April 6, 2014

        Hmm.. is there a setting I have missed?


      • lizard100
        April 6, 2014

        No the link is there now! It wasn’t for the first few comments! Weird.


      • Uncle Spike
        April 6, 2014

        Coz I found the setting – thanks for the heads-up


      • lizard100
        April 6, 2014

        Yey! Glad about that. I find wordpress good but there’s times when it’s hard to know what others see. I try to tell people if I can. I realised recently that the avatar thing wasn’t giving my blog name so that was another dead end. I’m not fanatical about links but want to be able to find people again.


  17. pimlicoallotment
    April 11, 2014

    Hi Green Lizard, I was amazed someone from the Netherlands saw my blog! I only created it on Wednesday. I have written a new post and linked to your website. I would like to include a picture of your allotment (so very different from ours).


    • lizard100
      April 11, 2014

      That’s the joy if the blog. Welcome to the blogosphere! Go ahead with the links. Thanks for doing that!


  18. lindaswildlifegarden
    April 21, 2014 will be on again next sunday


  19. litadoolan
    April 25, 2014

    Hello! I have loved and continue to love following your journey and learning through your discoveries ways I can go greener! I admire your work ethic and ability to just go for it (whatever the weather)!

    I enjoy the quality of your blog, each post inspires and informs. I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award

    Congratulations and my best regards!


    (of course do not worry if you do not wish to accept!)


  20. lizard100
    April 26, 2014

    Wow Lita. Thank you. A great way to start Saturday. I really appreciate your comments and support and thank you for this award. That’s tremendous!


  21. salliannev
    April 27, 2014

    Hi, thanks so much for visiting ‘From Ethiopia, with love’ we really appreciate it. Your blog looks so interesting I’m looking forward to exploring it in greater detail. Thanks again.


  22. LaLindaArtStudio
    May 2, 2014

    Thanks for visiting, I’m having a look around : )


  23. Brian Turner
    May 6, 2014

    Hi there! I was just reading up on your blog and had a quick question. I was hoping you could you please email me when you get the chance? Thanks – Brian


    • lizard100
      May 6, 2014

      Can’t find an email address for you in google + (don’t like the interface at all)


  24. Capt Jill
    June 1, 2014

    Hi Green Lizard,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m glad you liked it and decided to follow me. It looks like we have a lot in common. 🙂
    I’m looking forward to seeing more. Followed you. 🙂


    • lizard100
      June 1, 2014

      Hey there. Thanks to you too. Great to meet new people out here!


  25. annatultz
    June 4, 2014

    Thanks for checking out my post. I’m glad you enjoyed it! You’ve got a unique blog. I’m loving it and will be checking it often! 🙂


  26. tuinkabouter1965
    June 8, 2014

    Hee wat leuk dat ik nu eens iemand uit Nederland tref!
    Dank je voor de like op mijn blog 😉


    • lizard100
      June 8, 2014

      Alstublieft! Graag gedaan!


      • tuinkabouter1965
        June 8, 2014

        Zeg maar jij hoor 😉


  27. Mrs. Bingles
    June 14, 2014

    Hi 🙂 Thanks for following my blog, I hope you enjoy reading it. Your blog looks interesting too and reading it let me feel a bit closer to the Netherlands. Groetjes aus Australien 🙂


    • lizard100
      June 14, 2014

      Hartstikke Bedankt! I need to write more Dutch topics and will be trying too!


  28. silverliningsanddustbunnies
    June 17, 2014

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving a LIKE! Appreciate it.


  29. Good Food Everyday
    June 22, 2014

    What a lively blog, i have tried to like two posts i rad tonight but sadly wordpress is playing yp tonight ! Thank you for sharing !


  30. meticulousmick
    June 22, 2014

    Just came over to say many, many thanks for the likes and follow on my blog. It’s great to be able to welcome you aboard and please feel free to comment / make suggestions. Having made my way over here let me peek around a bit more, Oh, where are you from originally – in Netherlands 17 years. Have a great week. MM 🍀


    • lizard100
      June 22, 2014

      Ah tricky question. Born in the Uk but my blood is emerald green 🍀


      • meticulousmick
        June 22, 2014

        Aha, thanks for letting on, whereabouts – no I am not trying to track you down…..


      • lizard100
        June 22, 2014



  31. kennymack2
    June 29, 2014

    Thanks for liking by ‘almost hero blog’ I will get around to visiting your site> Sounds like the way we were raised. But I’m in Florida,retired, and a beach Bum. So it may take a while. Continue to inspire others.


  32. ailsamyname
    July 3, 2014

    Thanks for visiting and liking my blog, Good Life Protocol. I’m with you all the way. We grow, we raise, we make and we save and WE LOVE IT. Keep up the good work. x


  33. kutukamus
    July 4, 2014

    Hi Green Lizard. Cool pic (gravatar)! 🙂


    • lizard100
      July 4, 2014

      Thanks. It gets different actions and some people have suggested I change it!


      • kutukamus
        July 4, 2014

        What? Thay want bigger eyes? Now that’s weird. :mrgreen:


      • lizard100
        July 4, 2014

        Very odd. Too space age they said!


  34. Tasha
    July 14, 2014

    Hello…..thank you so much for visiting my blog and the like!! I love gardening and though we dont have too much space, I try to grow my own herbs and a few veggies every now and then…..we must all do our bit. I loved your blog….please keep up the good work!!!


    • lizard100
      July 17, 2014

      Thank you very much. Small things in small spaces have such a positive effect!


  35. Pingback: Wonderful Team Member Readership Award | Sourcerer

  36. linnetlane
    August 1, 2014

    Hi! I nominated your awesome blog for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award – have a look at this:

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      August 1, 2014

      Thank you so much. I’m away at the moment but will check this out when I’m back. I really appreciate the nomination : )


  37. Judy Amy
    August 14, 2014

    Thanks for the like! I’m glad you enjoyed my article about grief and social media. Cheers!


  38. S.I.R.
    August 15, 2014

    Thank you for visiting my newborn blog! I was happy to see yours is very interesting and you write about things close to my heart, so now you have a new follower. 🙂


    • lizard100
      August 15, 2014

      Thanks very much. Welcome aboard. It’s great to meet new bloggers too. I only started six months ago myself. Enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

  39. canaf
    August 25, 2014

    Hello. Thank you for visiting my blog. It is nice to meet you.


    August 26, 2014

    I am LOVING your site! Thanks for following me so I could learn about you! I will definitely be diving into this treasure trove of ideas. It’s absolutely brilliant!


    • lizard100
      August 26, 2014

      Glad you like it! It’s a bit crazy but you’re very welcome!


  41. thisearthhorse
    September 22, 2014

    Thanks for the follow! I’ll keep an eye out for your posts 🙂


  42. Vinny Grette
    October 8, 2014

    Yes… and Yes!!! I love your thoughtful stance on our environment. I also love your quirky approach to life. Keep on bloggin’!


  43. Julia Davis-Coombs
    October 21, 2014

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Creative Economy in the Kitchen, and for the follow. I’m thrilled to discover your blog, and will definitely be following!

    Liked by 1 person

  44. em0navari
    February 3, 2015

    Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog recently. I like your take on things, so will follow you. Great to make discoveries such as this blog! Cheers Eco-mummy

    Liked by 1 person

  45. kiwidutch
    February 19, 2015

    We too are trying to Reduce, Recycle and Reuse as much as we possibly can.

    If every person in the Western world did even a tiny amount every day, the results would be noticeable in no time.Too many people think we live in a throw-away society, but we only have one planet and we can’t treat that as a throw away item.

    Also, if every western country bough ONE organic or Fair Trade item every week, what a bonus for these farmers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Julia Davis-Coombs
    March 12, 2015

    Hi! I’m nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You KNOW you personify versatility! Please feel free to accept or decline; I’ll keep reading you whatever you do.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. deborah @ the magic jug
    April 11, 2015

    Good morning! have dropped by to see what you do – we evidently have a lot in common. I’ve had an allotment for over 30 years now, hens for about 22 years. I’d love to keep bees – one for my ‘one day’ list!
    I really like your blog, will add it to the list of those I visit regularly. Tend not to ‘follow’ as I find my inbox gets too full up, and I prefer to drop in when I have some spare time.
    Thanks again for reblogging my post on fungi.
    Enjoy your weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      April 11, 2015

      Thanks very much. Inspirational to here you’ve bee doing this so long. Mind you our allotment journey is about eight years now. Time flies as they say. Have a great spring!


  48. deborah @ the magic jug
    April 11, 2015

    Great for me to see younger people (I’m assuming you’re younger than me!) taking this on. You’re the future, for all of us. Great delight for me that my son’s are now also taking up growing and all the other things dear to me, and moving them on still further.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lizard100
      April 11, 2015

      Glad to be younger. (Tend to be older than many people more often than not. ) it’s a continuum I guess. Just found a photo of my grandad holding a chicken. Maybe it’s in my family too.

      Liked by 1 person

  49. Pingback: A little bit of spring sunshine | The Green Lips

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