Green Lizard's Blog

The planet is our home; we need to be more responsible. Here's what I do.

Five reasons to Grow your Own

Having an allotment or a pot of tomatoes in the corner of the living room is a great way to Grow your Own.

But it’s not just about the produce.

For me there’s other reasons! A whole other harvest!

Number 1: Fresh Air

There’s a lot of good things about getting outside. But I find it fabulous to take in the fresh air. Getting to the plot can be an extra bonus as we like to cycle there if at all possible. There’s no TV and no sofa; just the sky! The chorus of birds in the background is an extra bonus.


Number 2: Exercise

I’ll never be a gym bunny but a garden workout is something I can do for several hours with enthusiasm and commitment.
Taking care not to bend badly is important. But it’s amazing how easily gardening can engage so that the effort sustains.

Number 3: Meeting People

Our allotment has people of many nationalities and cultures. Whether it’s helping someone ring a car breakdown service, fix their water pump or seeking advice about pest control and pruning, there’s always someone to talk to. It’s also fascinating to see the unusual things people grow. If we’re lucky a delicious plateful of something exotic also appears!
And then there’s the garden blogging community too. I’ve already made great connections with people and shared ideas here too.


Number 4: Learning

When we started our plot, I was definitely a ‘buy a new pot plant when the previous one dies’ kind of girl. Now I have additional knowledge about plants, flowers and foods that I didn’t have before. Sharing that learning is great as well. My colleagues and friends often ask about what and how we are growing things. Trying new things and improving on mistakes is significant.

Number 5: Optimism

This is the most important thing for me. Yes, we have disasters and failures but through the gardening year we look forwards. Sometimes to a dead cert like the courgettes for us. Sometimes to a mystery plant that got mislabeled. Sometimes the psychology of this is harvest enough.

I recommend growing things definitely. It’s got so many benefits!


26 comments on “Five reasons to Grow your Own

  1. litadoolan
    June 12, 2014

    No TV is such a pull! Also the meeting pepole extend to this internet! It’s great to reach out and chat with people who share and interest in this. Good call on the optimisim – so insightful! Hadn’t thought about that. I think I do feel more perky looking at my plants do well.

    Love the new look of the website. I find I am reading more in a shorter time with this layout Although the other design was equally fun too!


    • lizard100
      June 12, 2014

      Thanks Lita. Glad you liked it. Recognising what brings you joy is so important.


      • litadoolan
        June 12, 2014

        I’m with you there all the way! And the more joy you go for the more it doubles! 😉 happy days.


    • lizard100
      June 12, 2014

      Also glad you like the new theme layout. I’m really pleased with it.


      • litadoolan
        June 12, 2014

        It’s super. I was watering the strawberry tubs just now and did a cross check on how many are there (just in case any mice try some tricks!!)

        Do you have any tips on getting rid of patio weeds – I pull them up and that’s fine. But I wonder if anything natural could dumb them down a bit. It’s just bits of grass growing in gaps between the stones.


      • lizard100
        June 12, 2014

        You can put salt on the weeds between the pavers or spray vinegar. Both work well.


      • litadoolan
        June 12, 2014

        Brilliant! I appreciate this. Thanks.


  2. epov88
    June 12, 2014

    Really beautiful blog post 🙂


  3. Sophie Cussen
    June 12, 2014

    1. Fresh Air is the best. Even when the winds are blowing and the skies are grey it’s so good to get out and have some fresh air 🙂


  4. Expat Eye
    June 12, 2014

    Sounds fantastic. I really miss having a garden. Not that I ever grew anything but still 😉


  5. sweetsaraline
    June 12, 2014

    These are all excellent reasons!


  6. rabthepict
    June 12, 2014

    Nice knees Lizard 🙂


  7. Rambling Woods
    June 13, 2014

    Yes… I need to be out in the yard for all those reasons and my sanity


  8. Urvashi Roe
    June 29, 2014

    I agree with all of these reasons. I love growing my own. So satisfying.


  9. mabel60
    July 11, 2014

    Thank you for liking my jam recipe. I used to garden like you and enjoyed reading your blog.


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