Green Lizard's Blog

The planet is our home; we need to be more responsible. Here's what I do.

Strawberry protection

The birds here are smart. They’ve worked out that if they land on the netting protecting our strawberries they can still get a feast.

Now our strawberry crop is important to us. There’s already been a yield of 500g and the plants are carrying a gear deal more.

So I had a cunning plan!

It involved a tin of paint and some stones.



I hope to teach the birds that strawberries are not to easy on their beaks.


A bit of painting later and then a top tip.

Top Tip
If you get paint on your hands.


Then use this:


Rub it into the paint marks till they start to ‘melt’ and then rinse with normal soap and water.

Any who, back to the strawberries.


I’ve put them in the strawberry patch and put upturned plastic pots under the netting too so that the landing birds can’t get pecking.

Fingers crossed eh?

25 comments on “Strawberry protection

  1. lindaswildlifegarden
    June 10, 2014

    Reblogged this on Linda's wildlife garden and commented:
    you must of watch the same video I just have Liz lovely up date


  2. mylatinnotebook
    June 10, 2014

    So, how does this work exactly? We just put netting over our strawberries…


    • lizard100
      June 10, 2014

      Our local pigeon population have learned to stand on the netting to get to the fruit. So I’ve put the plant protein place to make it handed to do that. The painted stones are to put off the birds and the mice hopefully.


      • mylatinnotebook
        June 10, 2014

        Doh! I thought you were painting them to look like strawberries to use as decoys., Red presumably because it puts them off….


  3. bcparkison
    June 10, 2014

    Please do let us know if this works.


  4. epov88
    June 10, 2014

    Good idea 🙂 I might try this !


  5. lizard100
    June 10, 2014

    Well they are possibly a bit of both. Not ideal for eating and hopefully the birds will stop pecking big holes in the real strawberries.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Expat Eye
      June 10, 2014

      You’re so damn clever 😉


      • lizard100
        June 10, 2014

        Or weird. Painting stones? Haven’t I got better things to do with my time. Mental.


      • Expat Eye
        June 10, 2014

        It’s all for the greater good! 🙂


      • lizard100
        June 10, 2014

        Material it’s material. Things I’ve been meaning to try that I’m getting to so I can blog them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Expat Eye
        June 10, 2014

        Yeah, I do stupid shit all the time so I can write about it 😉


      • lizard100
        June 10, 2014

        Phew! Not just me then!


  6. litadoolan
    June 10, 2014

    Brilliant idea! Perfect timing too. A few strawberries in my tubs are starting to from green to red so this will save them! This is great post.


    • lizard100
      June 10, 2014

      We have the additional problem of mice stockpiling unripe fruit in little clumps under the leaves which is odd.


      • litadoolan
        June 10, 2014

        That does sound unusual but quite cute in an abstract way!! It would make quite a nice story for children. I’m sure you would rather keep the fruit from being stolen than write about though! ‘The mystery of the stolen strawberries!’


      • lizard100
        June 10, 2014

        Good point. Maybe we should try to catch them in the act.


  7. 8armedstars
    June 10, 2014

    Reblogged this on fylcynm and commented:
    rockin stawberries


  8. Rambling Woods
    June 11, 2014

    What about shiny type ribbon flapping tied to the netting? It can be scary to birds


  9. courseofmirrors
    June 14, 2014

    Ingenious 🙂


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