Green Lizard's Blog

The planet is our home; we need to be more responsible. Here's what I do.

World Oceans Day 8th June

What difference does a day make?

It’s World Oceans day.

According to National Geographic

Together we have the power to protect the oceans


I often wonder whether most people believe that.

Unfortunately the ocean appears to have a lot of power itself. Tsunami and storm have that effect.

But the oceans are in trouble.

They are often quiet and picturesque yet many fear their mystery. I love being under their surface exploring a world most people never sea.

I’ve been a diver for seventeen year now. And I’ve seen the rubbish that ends up in the sea. In the north of the Adriatic there was so little life that many dives were like gravel pits. Sand and scrub and nothing alive. Meanwhile on shore every restaurant boosted squid, plaice and shrimp by the plateful.

All imported from far, far away.

I’ve a shelf full of books with an ocean message. Some are about diving sites, others about diving technology. Still more about the fishing industry.

Lots of pictures and blueness.

But the most important ocean book I own is by Sylvia Earle. This is her photo from National Geographic.


Hands up if you’ve heard of here?

Yep thought so. She’s a quiet character in the non oceanic world.

The book is called ‘Sea Change.’ It was first published in 1996. The year before I started diving. It has a strong message that’s approaching 20 years old. 20140607-080056-28856976.jpg

Reading a book is a big ask. So how about watching a video instead?

Sylvia Earle TED talk

It’s not very long. But for a woman whose been exploring the ocean for sixty years it’s pretty straightforward.

Or there’s her foundation.
Mission Blue

Meanwhile what can we do to help the ocean?

1. Stop releasing balloons. They kill marine life.
2. Think carefully about the plastic that we discard. It ends up in the seas.
3. Stop using toilets as garbage bins.
4. If fish is on your menu. Eat less. Make sure it comes from a sustainable source.
5. Use less detergent. The seas are cleaner without it.

Let’s work together to care for our oceans. They sustain our lives every day.


This is the household chef and a whale shark in the Maldives. Cute, eh?

3 comments on “World Oceans Day 8th June

  1. lindaswildlifegarden
    June 8, 2014

    Reblogged this on Linda's wildlife garden and commented:
    Lovely post Liz and have a blessed week


  2. Rambling Woods
    June 9, 2014

    Great post….. A blogger friend now passed was such an advocate for oceans on her blog…


    • lizard100
      June 9, 2014

      Thank you. Its a lonely cause. I guess there are so many to choose from. 70% of The planeet….


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